
The lung channel

I find I work best when taking the time to spend with my patients.  Some patients require a complex treatment, for others simple treatments are more effective.  For some multiple needles offer better results, others benefit from fewer needles.  I usually treat both front and back sides of the body during a session.  As a result, treatment times may vary from session to session, and from patient to patient.

Insurance: I bill Worker’s comp, motor vehicle accident claims, VA-Triwest, Ohana, United Health Care, HMSA and Kaiser. Please contact your insurance company to verify whether acupuncture is reimbursed on your medical plan. If you have acupuncture as a benefit, I will probably be able to bill your insurance directly for your visit.

For non-insurance payments at time of service, please contact me directly to discuss treatment and pricing. If my prices are beyond your paying abilities, please discuss it with me further.

Please see our Privacy Policy and for Terms of Service.

Ruthie Moss LAc LLC   *   Kaikodo Building – 64 Keawe St. Suite 303, Hilo, HI 96720   *   808 – 969 – 3989